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How Saggy Can Balls Get? The Truth About Testicular Droop

How Saggy Can Balls Get? The Truth About Testicular Droop

It happens to every man.

At some point, you might notice things hanging a little lower than they used to. Saggy balls are a natural part of aging, but just how low can they go? Let’s dive into the science, causes, and what you can do to keep things in check.

Why Do Balls Sag?

The testicles are housed in the scrotum, a pouch of skin that adjusts to regulate temperature. When it's hot, the scrotum relaxes to cool things down. When it's cold, it tightens to keep the testicles warm. Over time, the skin loses elasticity, leading to a more permanent sag. Other factors that contribute to sagging include:

  • Aging: The natural loss of collagen and muscle tone.

  • Gravity: Years of downward pull take their toll.

  • Genetics: Some men are just predisposed to lower-hanging testicles.

  • Weight Fluctuations: Rapid weight gain or loss can affect skin elasticity.

  • Heat Exposure: Frequent exposure to hot tubs and saunas can lead to prolonged stretching.

How Low Can They Go?

For most men, sagging is mild to moderate, but in extreme cases, the scrotum can hang several inches lower than in youth. Some men even experience scrotal sagging to the point where it causes discomfort while sitting, exercising, or wearing regular underwear.

Can You Prevent or Reverse Sagging?

While you can’t completely stop the aging process, you can slow it down and improve comfort with strategies such as wearing supportive underwear, strengthening your pelvic floor, and keeping things cool down there. 

The Bottom Line

So, how saggy can balls get? The answer varies, but the good news is that you don’t have to let gravity win. By wearing the right supportive underwear, taking care of your skin, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can keep things comfortably in place. Try UFM Underwear today and experience the lift and support your boys deserve!

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